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The Anti-blog Blog

A long while ago, I realized that becoming a successful published writer would require a higher level of social media engagement than I practiced at that time. Let me be clear—I practiced none. No Facebook, no Twitter, no website, no Instagram, nothing, except for my profile on Psychology Today which I needed for my clients. After I got past the discomfort of having to write a blurb that illustrated what a wonderful therapist I was (eye roll), I saw clients come my way and realized what a useful tool the web could be. Ha! Who knew?

So, I plunged in. Twitter was my first and is my favorite. Now that I actually have a book to market, I’ve opened up a Facebook Author Page (@JPEvansWriter). Soon I followed with Instagram (joannaevanswriter) and an author website (

Now, blogging is coming about. So, why would I entitle this “The Anti-blog Blog?” Because, if I’m honest, too much social media runs contrary to my beliefs as a professional mental health treatment provider, and also runs contrary to the themes and messages I hope my novel, SINAI UNHINGED, will convey.

The rub for me is that social media is an AWESOME way to link people, to communicate, and to share. But, it’s not enough. We did not evolve and prosper as a species by physical separateness. We grow and flourish, and feel happiest and most rewarded, when we are physically present with others. Eye contact, smells, touches, sounds, none of these can be adequately replicated through technology.

So, while I will love to sharing information with you, at the same time, I will try to keep my blog posts brief and to the point to allow you more time to talk (face to face) with your friends, hug a special someone, sing to others, share flowers with the elderly, and do whatever else fulfills your connectedness with others!


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